So this last week was so crazy. Not only was it the last full week of school, but Cub Scout bridging, and the start of Little League playoffs. Luckily homework this week for the second graders was not too difficult and actually a lot of fun. They had to make their own pie. Thy had to do all the measuring, mixing, baking, the whole shebang. My oldest picked Chocolate Pie, which is actually surprising because he doesn't really ever eat chocolate. I was very proud of him. He even made homemade whipped cream to pipe on the top and finish off the pie with chunks of chocolate bar. It was the hit of the class.

Well, if one does something in my house it usually means the others want to as well. My six year old's pie turned out just as creative as he is. When it came time for him to pipe his whipped cream no mere swirl would be acceptable. He had a picture in his head and used his bag like a marker. Can you see the boy, the sun, some clouds and grass? And when he said he needed pieces of chocolate for the eyes I thought he meant little pieces. Oh no, He went with whole pieces of the bar sticking straight out of the head. I loved it. Not too bad .
We are also very excited in our house that our Tigers are 1-1 in our Little League playoffs so far. We lost the first one but won our second game after two extra innings. It was so stressful on all the parents. We were jumping up and down. Next game is tonight. Keep your fingers crossed.